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22 February 2024, Stockholm, Sweden – Following the WHO’s disregard for the Swedish narrative during its Tenth Conference of the Parties on Tobacco Control (FCTC COP10), public health experts have urged the organisation to take a more Swedish-style approach to combating smoking.

After the recent WHO summit in Panama, where the World Health Organisation declined to recognise Sweden for its significant reduction in smoking rates, public health specialists from the Smoke-Free Sweden movement organised a roundtable discussion with policymakers to explore strategies for promoting the global implementation of tobacco harm reduction laws.

Sweden is a model for how THR can function in real-world settings because it is on the verge of becoming a “Smoke-Free” nation, which means that smoking rates will soon drop below 5%. The nation provides evidence that THR saves lives, as seen by its 41% lower cancer incidence and 38% lower cancer mortality rate compared to its EU neighbours.

At the round table, attendees expressed dissatisfaction with the WHO for refusing to recognise sensible tobacco harm reduction initiatives that have previously been implemented in nations like Sweden during COP10.

Reduce Smoking Rates: The Swedish Model for Success

“The world is burning with smoking-related diseases, and COP10 refuses to acknowledge the fire escape Sweden has built. Tobacco harm reduction offers smokers a safer way out, and it’s time for global health leaders to embrace it,” says Dr. Delon Human, leader of the Smoke-Free Sweden Campaign.

“It is imperative that policymakers are presented with clear and understandable data regarding the health benefits of tobacco harm reduction. Sweden could be the blueprint for this since the Swedish government has studied this for years and has placed full and comprehensive regulations in place for all tobacco-free nicotine products, and it works,” stated Bengt Wiberg, the creator of the EUforSnus programme.

According to Professor Karl Fagerström, an internationally renowned expert in addiction research and smoking cessation: “As the Sweden example shows, the key to advancing efforts in global tobacco harm reduction messaging is reframing our understanding of nicotine. Nicotine in itself has an impact on an individual’s health close to that of caffeine, which has virtually no stigma associated with it.”

“Alternative products change people’s lives for the better. They have enabled them to make healthier choices for themselves and provided a route for people to enjoy nicotine without endangering themselves. Some women do enjoy the burning sensation that oral nicotine pouches provide (on the gum), but some women don’t – It’s important to have a range of products to satisfy all needs” said Carissa During, a psychology student and Considerate Pouchers’ founder.

Co-founder of, Jessica Perkins said, “We must ensure that we get product labelling guideless correct. Many policymakers and consumers do not realise that many oral nicotine pouches do not contain tobacco. Oral nicotine products are a form of nicotine replacement therapy. But the perception of these products is often demonised and incorrect – which leads to confusion over how to regulate them appropriately”.

On Smoke-Free Sweden

The goal of the Smoke-Free Sweden campaign is to persuade other nations to reduce tobacco use by adopting the Swedish model. Sweden, where the smoking rate is nearly 5%, is on the verge of being the first “smoke-free” nation in Europe. This outstanding accomplishment can be credited to Sweden’s welcoming stance towards tobacco harm reduction.

Go to for additional details on Sweden’s effective strategy for achieving smoke-free status.


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