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Four Key Actions That Will Help Save 880,000 Lives in Malaysia and Uzbekistan

A new report on Malaysia and Uzbekistan reveals that adopting tobacco harm reduction (THR) strategies and improving treatment methods can save 880,000 lives. The findings of this report were first shared through an online webinar earlier today that included regional and international researchers and experts in harm reduction.

The event opened with keynote speaker Dr. Derek Yach, who delved into the report’s core findings. He spoke of the significance and rationale of the study as well as its methodology and results. Dr Yach was followed by Professor Sharifa Ezhat from Malaysia, speaking of the relevance of this study within the Malaysian landscape, as well as Uzbeki experts who highlighted the report’s implications for their nation. All three speakers also discussed how the results of the study should be used to implement policy change in their country and what other countries can learn from this study. The event concluded with Dr. Delon Human’s presentation of the key conclusions and actionable recommendations from the report.

tobacco harm reduction saves lives

The roadmap that this report presents to save 880,000 lives includes four essential strategies: engaging health professionals in THR advocacy, promoting risk-proportionate regulation, empowering consumer representation, and incorporating the influence of religious leaders where appropriate.


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